Sunday, June 28, 2009

Confession Time

So it's been a minute since my last post. And I feel a little guilty about it. In fact I was trying to come up with some excuses to tell you (whoever you are, thanks for reading, please come back) but came up with none. At least nothing that was worth posting-- unless you count getting caught up with work demands, dealing with a leaking car trunk for two weeks, being emotionally, mentally, physically exhausted as acceptable excuses. 

You can probably tell by now that I'm a straightforward gal and I like to share my experiences raw, with no preservatives. Blogging has become a new passion of mine. It's an extension of journaling which I've been doing since puberty. There's an internal tug of war occurring in my mind between saying what I mean and meaning what I say while being somewhat entertaining and informative.  I hope you'll stick around while I try to navigate this thing called life. The journey has been unpredictable so far.

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